You Can Watch The Sunset At The Temples Corner

Has a tourist, the those who visited Angkor especially those popular visited sunset view, they were thrust up on a hill Bakheng, not knowing that in Siem Reap have a place visited Sunset a sacred place that can visit the sunset most fascinating way. Where can visit the spectacular sunset scenery, temples corner.
Temple corner is a small temple in the outer wall of the temple complex at the corner of Lowell River. If we want to watch the sun sacred place without two of the temple corner, we just go from the south gate of Angkor Thom, and bend the left arm traveling along the river Om westward to where the corner of the wall of the castle, we will have seen the temple one there, and that's the temple corner. Travel along it difficult bit was able to travel only pedestrians only on the way vehicles can not travel, and often they see the trees break but on the road, so impossible for vehicles, but they were able to visit the sunset temple corner was easily just by traveling by riding canoes of the Ganges Angkor River Om, they can enjoy a scenic forest and fish about 20 minutes, we have to place the corner of River Water and continue up the castle corner street into a known ronthotradev shall be the temple corner. Point sacred of hits sunset at the temple corner, which has a view different from watching the sunset at the top brasaeatophnombakheng is that watching the sunset here, it seems, we have seen the tinoksay coming died slowly of two simultaneously by one travels backward slowly until tittle shadow in the horizon and the other seems he was descending into the river Om and tittle shadow gradual replacement of the night when there is the moon shining red light tinted who entertained with music naturally resonates with khyalchomnor Night touches forest mixed with the sound of wildlife crying loud jungle resonate with river Om much rather make here has been awesome double up.
What makes the tourists who visited the Sunset at the temple corner regrets dismal is that temple spunky this suffer broken broken severely modern domestic war, and what makes visitors interested and dismay that the temple seems to be abandoned to orphanages loneliness away. There besides the control gate of the castle, which is likely to be a long year brings not fix anything, even branding frame corner temples are also termite species almost do not understand.
According to one of the Apsara Authority officials, who asked not to reveal the names, said the Apsara Authority is preparing to repair and conservation work this corner, because here is a great place to visit Sunset most attractive today.